Imagine lifting life with questions well built to open coherence and trust so good life and good work can flow?
Imagine opening spatial perceptions that embrace nature's smooth energy held in the expanding and contracting thoughts of ecobalancing systems?
Imagine opening spatial perceptions that create you the person becoming the way of true heart emergence in living systems?
Imagine lifting life opening spatial perceptions with questions that love your well being?
Imagine lifting life's experience exploring processes and principals that make up complex living systems supported in quality of experience?
Imagine having a range of regenerative approaches and inspirations for ways that align being life giving?
In your heart you know it's more than a dream. The real question is
Will I ?................
We offer Cards for Life as a unique approach that builds stance capable of becoming the embrace of earth’s genius belonging to each one of us. Cards for Life are a great tool for design. They offer many creative potentials for integrating life centered approaches and life's dynamics into personal growth, new initiatives and enterprises.
Cards for Life is much more than a deck of cards, it’s a connected way of seeing the world. A set of key concepts for ‘Living Systems Thinking’ that shifts our focus from ‘objects’ to ‘relationships’, helping us to regenerate the connections between self & world, humans & nature. These cards enable a better quality of conversation for deeper connection and a shared language that leads to more effective communication and collaboration.
Both a personal guidance system and a collective sense making tool for developing eco and systems literacy, the regenerative vocabulary provides a shared language so people can define regeneration for themselves in their particular situation, sector and context. We coach individuals and teams on their purpose, empower community led visions, regenerative innovation and design.
Cards for Life help to bring life's Dynamics into new ways of Being and Doing. Certified Practitioners throughout the world promote Cards for Life to bring conscious awareness and applied use from the fields of regeneration, sustainability, systems thinking and science into our lives in simple understandable languages that calls deep into each one of us to express our gifts.
Cards currently have three possible gateways for discovering:
Learning Life’s Dynamics
Being With Complexity
Doing Regenerative Action
In your heart you know it's more than a dream. Now the question is
Will I Become My Dream?
The origins of Cards for Life is the expression of genius from Thomas Mansfield, Founder of Pale Blue.
His current focus is on frameworks for regenerative practice in business and organizational design where he is living the question ‘How do organizations participate regeneratively in life sustaining systems?’
The project for inter-organizational learning Cards for Life is a response to this question which supports individuals and teams with a coaching approach to bring ‘living systems thinking’ into the cultures where they live and work.
His vision is a healing planet generating abundant living for all.
"I focus on behavioral change through language, becoming mindful of the concepts we use can radically alter the opportunities we notice and the expectations we have. Industrial and materialistic concepts are no longer fit for purpose in a world defined global ecological issues and systems. There is now a need to develop connective, process oriented language that enables us to rethink our systems by seeing the world more as it is: moving, dynamic."
"Do we Build or Grow community…? Studying NLP, Ecolinguistics and non-competitive dynamics have formed the theory and tools for seeding these better performing concepts in many forms of communication, internal and external messaging, marketing and education." By identifying language which is misaligned with the purpose and direction of individuals and organizations it is possible to transform concepts and affect rapid purposeful change."
Check Certification Training for Cards for Life on the Pale Blue Cards for Life website.